Line is one of the most important parts of your fishing setup. Fortunately for us, in our time we have a wide selection of lines made from different materials, strength, length, and even color. Understanding the strengths and weakness of each type of line will grant you the knowledge to choose the most suitable setup for the fish you’re targeting. With so many selections finding the right one might be confusing, but we’re here to help. Let us begin by introducing the most popular and widely used category of line; monofilament. Monofilament lines are made from a mixture of polymers. It was heated in high temperature until it forms a liquid and then molded to fold strands of line. The final product is put into spools. Qualities such as strength and color can be modified during this production process. The most important factor of monofilament lines is that it stretches. Depending on what setup you want to configure, the stretch factor can be either beneficial or it could become a setback. When choosing monofilament, keep in mind that the more expensive lines usually went through more quality control and will provide better performance. Fluorocarbon lines are becoming more popular. It is most suitable for fishing in clear waters because it is nearly invisible in water. Another advantage of fluorocarbon lines is that it does not absorb water. This prevents the line from weakening or unnecessary stretching.
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